- The Illustrated
Encyclopedia of Cacti by Innes, Clive (must have)

- Ultimate Cacti
& Succulents by Anderson, Miles (must

- Simon and
Schuster's Guide to Cacti and Succulents by Pizzetti,

- Cacti: The
Illustrated Dictionary by Preston-Mafham, Rod
(must have)
- 101 Essential Tips:
Cacti and Succulents by DK Publishing
- Trees, Shrubs and
Cacti of South Texas by Everitt, James H
- Cacti by: Hewitt, Terry
- Identifying Cacti by Schneck, Marcus
- The Complete Book
of Cacti and Succulents by Hewitt, Terry (must
- Remarkable Agaves
and Cacti by Nobel, Park S
- Native Cacti of
California by Benson, Lyman D
- Cacti by Book Sales
- Cacti by Cerutti,
- Cacti and Other
Succulents by Madgwick, Wendy
- Cacti Succulents by Hecht, Hans
- Familiar Cacti by Heil, Ken
- Mac's Field Guide
to Southwest Cacti, Shrubs, Trees by Macgowan